La Frutta MUM Manual Breast Pump Milk Pump, Soft & Gentle, Manual, BPA Free, Classic baby bottle 125ml, Silicone nipple, Free milk storage bags are included.
-Portable, discreet, manual and high polypropylene.
-For short term use at home or traveling.
-Simple to assemble and easy to use.
-Place the breast shield on your breast and then adjust it slightly downwards.
-Express directly into the feeding bottle.

مضادة للمغص
نظام مضاد للمغص لمنع دخول
الهواء أثناء الرضاعة.

حجم مناسب
يمكن وضعه بسهولة في
شنطة الأم للتنقل.
سهل الاستخدام
الشفاط سهل الاستخدام و خفيف
Easy To Use
The pump is easy to
use and lightweight

Perfect Size
Can be easily put in
Mother's travel

Anti Colic
Anti Colic system to prevent
air inhalation during
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Brand | La Frutta, La Frutta Mum |